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- Log system activity to file: "BugOff Log" located in the Preferences folder.
- No remote control allowed (ie. Restart, Shutdown, Send Beeps, Command Sound).
- Dimmed since the message receive function is not enabled.
- Remote control allowed (ie. Restart, Shutdown, Send Beeps, Command Sound).
- Click here to quit.
- Click here to save text in a TeachText document.
- Click here to select a version history of interest.
- Save changes to current sound settings and exit.
- Exit without modifying sound settings.
- Play selected sound.
- Dimmed since no sound is selected to play.
- Click here to select a sound. To prevent a sound from being played for the desired function, select <no sound> at the top of the list.
- Sound played when screen starts to dim.
- The sound played when screen starts to dim is shown at right.
- Sound played when you receive an incoming message.
- The sound played when you receive an incoming message is shown at right..
- Sound played when a message is sent to another network system.
- The sound played when a message is sent to another network system is shown at right.
- Sound played when password is accepted.
- The sound played when password is accepted is shown at right.
- Sound played when password is not accepted.
- The sound played when password is not accepted is shown at right.
- Sound played when someone drops a file or folder into your watched folders.
- The sound played when someone drops a file or folder into your watched folders is shown at right.
- Sound played when program is first launched.
- The sound played when program is first launched is shown at right.
- Sound played when program quits.
- The sound played when program quits is shown at right.
- No password is requested when program is first launched.
- User must enter a password when program is first launched.
- Used for editing the messages.
- Cut a selection from the message area.
- Dimmed since no message dialog is displayed or text is selected.
- Copy a selection from the message area.
- Dimmed since no message dialog is displayed or text is selected.
- Paste a selection to the message area.
- Dimmed since no message dialog is displayed or text is on the clipboard.
- Clear a selection from the message area.
- Dimmed since no message dialog is displayed or text is selected.
- Select all text in the message area.
- Dimmed since no message dialog is displayed or no text exists in dialog.
- Click here to only perform shutdown once. The Auto Shutdown flag will be cleared the next time BugOff loads.
- Dimmed since Auto Shutdown is disabled.
- Click here to keep shutting down the system at the same time each day.
- Click here to quit without saving the changes you made.
- Click here to have BugOff make itself the frontmost application during an incoming message.
- Box is disabled since Messaging is turned off.
- Click here to keep incoming messages in the background.